CorelDraw ToolBox and its function with an icon

To edit free vector objects in CorelDraw we need a variety of available tools. This tool is usually located on the left side of the worksheet. There are dozens of tools with various functions which are marked with certain icons. The following tools in Coreldraw with each function complete with images.

1. Tool for selecting vector object



  • Pick tool, which is a tool for selecting, selecting, and arranging objects such as size, tilt, rotation, and others.
  • Freehand pick tool, which is a tool for selecting the same as the pick tool, but it is freer.
  • Free Transform tool: to change the size of the object freely.

2. Tools for editing Objects



  • Shape tool: to edit the shape of a curve object
  • Smooth tool: To change the object to be soft.
  • Smear tool: To draw objects by dragging the outline.
  • Twirl tool: To change the shape into a round like a whirlwind.
  • Attract tool: To change the outline towards the cursor direction like a magnet.
  • Repel tool: Has the same function as the Attack Tool, but in the opposite direction.
  • Smudge tool: to change vector object by dragging along the outline
  • Roughen tool: to change the outline of a vector object by dragging along the line

3. Crop Tool

crop tool


  • Crop tool: to remove unwanted areas
  • Knife tool: to cut objects
  • Virtual Segment Delete tool: to delete parts of objects between intersections
  • Eraser tool: to remove unwanted areas in the image

4. Zoom Tool

zoom tool


  • Zoom tool: to change the amount of the level in the display/working window
  • Pan tool: to control which part of the image will be redrawn in the view/window

5. Freehand Tool



  • Freehand tool: to draw single lines and curves.
  • 2-Point line tool: to connect 2 points to form a straight line.
  • Bezier tool: To draw/create a starting point of a line/curve one part at the same time.
  • Pen tool: to draw curves one segment at a time.
  • Spline tool: to create a curved object or line by placing the position of certain points
  • Polyline tool: to draw lines and curves.
  • 3-Point curve tool: to connect 3 points to form a triangle line.
  • Smart drawing tool: to draw a free line or plane as you wish.

6. Artistic Media tool

Artistic Media tool

Artistic Media tool: to draw shapes or objects that give a certain effect.

7. Rectangle tool

Rectangle tool


  • Rectangle tool: To draw squares and squares
  • 3-Point Rectangle tool: To draw a square at a certain corner point

8. Ellipse tool

Ellipse tool


  • Ellipse tool: to draw an oval or circle shape
  • 3-Point Ellipse tool: to make a circle or oval from a certain corner point

9. Polygon tool

polygon tool


  • Polygon tool: To draw a star-shaped polygon/pentagon symmetrically
  • Star tool: To draw a perfect star shape
  • Complex Star tool: To draw a complex star shape or a star that has many sides
  • Graph Paper tool: Used to create a table that contains a definable number of columns.
  • Spiral tool: Used to draw a spiral
  • Basic Shape tool: To select various shapes including Smile shapes, lightning, heart shapes, and others
  • Arrow Shape tool: To draw various types of arrow shapes, and arrow directions
  • Flowchart Shapes tool: To draw a symbol Flowchart
  • Banner Shapes tool: To draw a shape that resembles a ribbon or an explosion effect
  • Callout Shapes tool: To create labels and callouts

10. Text tool

Text tool


  • Text tool: To write words directly on the screen as paragraph or artistic text
  • Table Tool: To create a table

11. Paraller Dimension

Paraller Dimension


  • Parallel Dimension: To make a half box object
  • Horizontal or Vertical Dimension: to make horizontal and vertical lines connected
  • Angular Dimension: to create a PIE or corner
  • Segment Dimension: to display the dimension between the last point in one or more parts
  • 3-Point Callout Tool: to make a triangle outline

12. Straight-Line Connector

Straight-Line Connector


  • Straight-Line Connector: makes a straight line
  • Right-Angle Connector: to make a straight line – elbow
  • Rounded Right-Angle Connector: to make a straight line with a straight angle
  • Edit Anchor: to modify the connector line.

13. Drop Shadow tool

Drop Shadow tool


  • Drop Shadow tool: to give a shadow to an object.
  • Contour tool: To outline an object
  • Blend tool: To blend two Objects using their basic shape
  • Distort tool: To make deviations on an object, this tool has 3 basic forms of deviation: Push and Pull Distortion, Zipper Distortion, or Twister Distortion.
  • Envelope: To deviate an object by dragging a node
  • Extrude: To make an illusion into the object

14. Interactive Transparency tool

Interactive Transparency tool


Interactive Transparency tool: to make objects transparent.

15. Color Eyedropper tool

Color Eyedropper tool


  • Color Eyedropper tool: to select and copy the fill (color) of an object in the drawing window, which is accompanied by a color HTML code display.
  • Attributes Eyedropper tool: to select and copy properties on objects, such as fill, line thickness, size, and effects, of an object in the drawing window.

16. Interactive Fill tool

Interactive Fill tool


  • Interactive Fill tool: to provide color with several variations of fill gradations.
  • Interactive Mesh tool: to provide a color gradient fill using a line (grid) consisting of several nodes.

17. Outline tool

Outline tool


Outline tool: When we select this tool a flyout will appear and provide quick access to several facilities, such as the Outline Pen and Outline Color dialog boxes.

18. Smart Fill Tool

Smart Fill Tool


Smart Fill Tool: to color attached objects, this tool can color fill the lines of objects that have been filled and can be separated from the base image.

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