Understanding graphic design is a form of visual communication media in the form of images to be used as a fairly effective conveyor of information or messages. In the world of graphic design, all elements are its text, shapes, tables, and so on are considered as an image. This is because these elements are an abstraction of hidden symbols.
To create a graphic design, a person must have visual skills and cognitive abilities, including photography, typography, illustration, image processing, and image layout. This is very necessary in order to produce an attractive, unique, and informative design. You can also use graphic design software for PCs to produce the work you expect.
From here your computer friend must already know what graphic design is. and below we will examine further the types of graphic design.
1. Vector Graphics
Vector graphics can be interpreted as an image formed from a combination of points and lines using certain mathematical formulas so that a computer friend can produce a two-dimensional or three-dimensional object, for example, squares, circles, triangles, polygons, and so on for two-dimensional objects, balls, cubes, pyramids, tubes and so on for three-dimensional objects.
To create a vector graphic design, your computer needs less RAM memory space, but the processor load is greater than the bitmap type graphics. The resulting file volume is also less, so you can save on hard disk space when creating a design with this vector type. Several file formats in this type of vector graphic design include cdr, eps, WMF, pict, SVG and others.
2. Bitmap graphics
Bitmap graphics can be interpreted as an image formed from a collection of dots and a combination of color pixels. At each point, the bitmap graphic has its own place and color which will form an image display. If your computer friend sets the number of points on the graphic, the resulting image will be smoother.
Meanwhile, to create a bitmap-type graphic design, your computer friend will need more memory space than vector graphics. Not only that, but the resulting file volume will also be larger, so it will make wasteful use of hard disk space. Some examples of file formats for this type of bitmap graphic design include jpg, jpeg, BMP, gif, pcx, and others.
Read also: Understanding vector images and their characteristics
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