A vector image is an image that results from a combination of points and lines with a mathematical formula, thus forming a polygon depicting a particular image object. The location of a vector image is called control points or nodes, where the location of each point has a definite position based on the x and y axes of a work plane. In a vector image of each line or point, various attributes can be added such as shape, line thickness, curves, line color, and fill color.
To create vector images on a computer, we can use graphic design applications that are quite popular among computer friends, such as Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia FreeHand, or Corel Designer. Objects that can be generated from vector images include squares, circles, triangles, polygons for 2 D images, and spheres, cubes, pyramids, tubes for 3 D vector images.
Characteristics of Vector Images
Vector images have the following characteristics
Read also: Understanding graphic design and its types
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